Year 7 students are gaining confidence with a STEM computing activity

Year 7 students are gaining confidence with a STEM computing activity

Mo Abusef
Mo Abusef
Year 7 students are gaining confidence with...

The IT and Computing department was absolutely delighted to deliver a computing STEM activity for year 7 students during the enrichment day last week.

All students had the opportunity to develop their coding skills while also inspiring them to consider careers in digital technology.

The students had to create a digital dancing party using Scratch software where they had to choose some interesting characters and construct a code that allows them to dance, play background music and add controlling features.

At the end of the activity, all students were proud of their computing skills and received a certificate of achievement in coding.

The IT and Computing department is running a Computing STEM club every Tuesday and Friday lunchtime in F4 and F5. The club’s mission is to provide students with knowledge about the Anatomy of the Computer, to share knowledge about current trends in IT, learn coding, creating websites and animations. Everyone is welcome to join.

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