World Book Day Bake-Off Competition
As part of our annual World Book Day celebrations we are holding a Book Bake-Off competition, open to all students in the school. The challenge is to bake a cake or series of...
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As part of our annual World Book Day celebrations we are holding a Book Bake-Off competition, open to all students in the school. The challenge is to bake a cake or series of...
Posted by Teresa Turton
Following year 10 parents’ evening, we had several requests for book recommendations. Regular reading is so important for success at GCSE and beyond, yet it’s exactly...
Posted by Danielle Bowe
It made for a very positive start to the day last Friday morning to join one of our exemplary Character Development Coaches Miss Collins and her CDC Group 8 Elm for...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
Congratulations to Annabel Pointer who is our Reader of the Week. Annabel has achieved her bronze reading award. To reach this level of reading she has read four books and...
Posted by Claire Till
This week we recognise Charlotte Boother Dominguez as our Reader of the Week. Currently reading ‘Cinder’ by Marissa Meyer means that she is exploring not only the...
Posted by Claire Till
Jesse – Lee Bushnell year 7 is our Reader of the Week. At the moment she is reading Jacqueline Wilson’s Funny Girls. Previously to that she read Anne Frank’s...
Posted by Claire Till
Congratulations to Ellen McDermott in year 7 who is our reader of the week. She has read an amazing 21 books since we started back to school in September. In addition, Ellen wrote...
Posted by Claire Till
Congratulations to Charles Pavlou in year 8 who has completed his Silver reading award. Between May and November he had to read six books of different genres, plus a book of...
Posted by Claire Till
On Friday I spent Character Development Coach (CDC) time in the Maths Faculty area and was delighted to see so many students really focussed and engaged with our now embedded...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
We believe that reading underpins everything for our students. Confident readers can access the curriculum in all subject areas, understand key concepts, write to a good standard...
Posted by Graeme Searle
As part of our annual World Book Day celebrations we are holding a Book Bake-Off competition, open to all students in the school.
The challenge is to bake a cake or series of small cakes to represent any book or to promote reading in general.
Cakes need to be brought to the LRC before school on Thursday 3rd March where they will be judged by staff and students throughout the day.
There are prizes to be won so get baking!
In addition, we would like to follow this up with a bake-sale the following day, the proceeds being used to purchase books nominated by the ‘bakers’.
With World Book Day just around the corner we are excited to launch our book themed bake off competition! Students (and staff) are being invited to get creative with their bakes...
How Healthy is Reading? 19th century newly literate women were considered vulnerable and there was a fear that they could be manipulated by fiction! Similarly, newly literate men...