Excellent Scaffolded Learning

Excellent Scaffolded Learning

Jeremy Turner
Jeremy Turner
Excellent Scaffolded Learning

It was great to join Mr Harris’ Year 9 PE lesson last Friday after breaktime and see how engaged all students were in learning about the key skills required to be an excellent badminton player.

After a warm up activity recapping on prior learning, stepping in and out of lay up shots, the students progressed onto carefully scaffolded activities to hone their skills of developing an excellent smash shot.

At times they practised without a racquet, aiming for a carefully positioned target cone, mixing this up with practical game-play type situations.

Mr Harris provided some excellent demonstrations and great assessment for learning feedback to differentiate the support and ensure the progress of all learners.

The lesson ended with a competitive badminton game when everyone had a chance to prove the progress they had made.

It was great to see!

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