Achievement Points

In the past week we students have accumulated an impressive 1837 reward points!

R1 R2 R3 R4 Total
Year 07 189 239 88 1 517
Year 08 278 153 96 2 529
Year 09 97 259 124 0 480
Year 10 83 127 44 0 254
Year 11 9 0 13 0 22
Year 12 15 12 8 0 35
Total 671 790 373 3 1837

In particular the following students received 11 or more reward points in the past week:

Preesha, 8Maple, Riya, 8Willow, Siyona, 8Elm, Khushi, 8Oak, Lana, 7Sycamore, Lily, 9Willow, Sameen, 9Beech

When we look at the reward points achieved since the beginning of the year, students have accumulated 111,514 points in total so far!
The breakdown of these reward points by year and house groups show ASH House in the lead at the moment:
Year 07 Year 08 Year 09 Year 10 Year 11 Year 12 Year 13 TOTAL
ASH 4623 3872 2809 3206 2071 327 151 17059
BEECH 4099 3516 3056 3114 1585 296 121 15787
ELM 4320 4095 3514 2651 1728 295 256 16859
MAPLE 3809 3798 2427 2826 1602 292 239 14993
OAK 3159 3382 2497 3094 1388 234 233 13987
SYCAMORE 4681 4055 3430 2474 1658 301 296 16895
WILLOW 3867 3888 3149 2998 1588 225 209 15924
With many weeks to go until the end of the academic year, adn with points from House events to add, it is too early to say which House will be crowned winners of the House Cup for 2019-2020.

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