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Managing Your Workload Efficiently

Managing Your Workload Efficiently

Jeremy Turner
Jeremy Turner
Managing Your Workload Efficiently
I was so impressed with Thomas (7 Willow) who is one of the small group of children of key workers who are still attending Bushey Meads every day during this period of enforced school closure. He has found an efficient way of managing his workload which you may like to consider adopting. Whilst he has felt a little bombarded by the work being set remotely by teachers via email or google classrooms (without the carefully structured, typical, school timetable to follow as he would do in school during a normal week) he has made a list of all the tasks he has been asked to do. He has then RAGGED (or coloured red, amber or green) the tasks, as he has carefully worked through them at his own pace.
The green makes him feel good as he has completed the tasks, the amber reminds him of his work in progress and the red simply means that these tasks are next on the list to do. He explained to me that the system and structure he has adopted reminds him of how much work he has completed and also helps him stay organised.
I was also impressed with the quality of his work in Spanish pictured here that he had just completed and coloured green on his to do list.
Well done Thomas for all your hard work and great organisation!

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