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Fabulous Start to Fridays at BMS

Fabulous Start to Fridays at BMS

Jeremy Turner
Jeremy Turner
Fabulous Start to Fridays at BMS
It was great to drop into 8 Oak and 8 Ash’s CDC rooms and see Miss Sumpter and Mrs Wilson’s Character Development Groups on Friday at the end of last week. Exemplary practice of reading was taking place. All students were following the text carefully and listening to MIss Sumpter and Mrs Wilson read expressively to the class, pausing occasionally to check the students’ understanding and comprehension of the text.
These focussed starts to the day at the end of the week help to reinforce the value of our embedded literacy agenda across the school and encourage all students to remember the importance of reading.
As parents and carers, make sure that your children are always carrying a reading book in their bags and are always reading at home to further develop their levels of literacy and improve their linguistic development as much as possible.

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