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BMS Staff Conference
On Monday 21st and Tuesday 22nd February staff enjoyed a conference based on Positivity and Wellbeing. We listened to an engaging keynote speech from motivational speaker Gavin...

LGBT+ History Month
During the month of February, LGBT+ History Month is celebrated. History month is an annual month-long observance of LGBT+ history and is observed around the world. At Bushey...

Charles Dickens Novel of the Month – The Pickwick Papers
The Pickwick Papers is Dickens’ first novel. It was originally serialised in monthly instalments and quickly became a popular success with sales reaching 40,000 by the final...

Latest High Achiever Awards

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Year 9 Media Enrichment

Parents Living with a Struggling Teen
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Design and Technology GCSE Resistant Materials
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During the month of February, LGBT+ History Month is celebrated. History month is an annual month-long observance of LGBT+ history and is observed around the world.
At Bushey Meads School, we pride ourselves on being an open and inclusive school, which is underpinned by the principle that our school ‘has a mind to be kind.’ As such, and in conjunction with the student LGBT+ group, the GSA, events took place around the school throughout the month of February, including:
Themed Sporting Image of the Week
Themed Scientist of the Week
LGBT+ Literature lesson in English for KS3
LGBT+ Literature display in our LRC
LGBT+ Persons posters displayed around the school
Themed starter activities in Geography.
In English, students in KS3 engaged with extracts from Shakespeare’s Sonnet 144 and letters written by Irish poet and playwright, Oscar Wilde.
During CDC time, students explored the lives of influential LGBT+ scientists Alan Turin, James Barry, Lauren Esposito and Ben Barres. Additionally during CDC, students engaged with sporting images of the week with LGBT+ athletes, including trans swimmer Lia Thomas, gay curler, Bruce Mouat and non-binary skater, Timothy LeDuc.