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Design and Technology GCSE Resistant Materials

Design and Technology GCSE Resistant Materials

Charlotte Hewitt
Charlotte Hewitt
Design and Technology GCSE Resistant...
Year 10 have been working on their practice NEAs which have been based on Multifunctional living. They have been asked to design and create products that are multifunctional in a range of different contexts. Students identified their clients and carried out research on existing products before starting their initial designs. After choosing their best designs they have made to scale models of these products and made changes based on feedback from their clients. They have now started to work on construction techniques in order to make their final product.

Year 11 have been working on their GCSE NEAs and have chosen between 3 contexts:

  • Preparing for emergencies

  • Outdoor living

  • Keeping fit and active

After choosing their contexts, students identified their client and researched their target market before selecting their final problem to design a product for. They have used a range of ways to communicate their design ideas including CAD and isometric drawings. They developed their ideas through modelling using CAD, CAM and cardboard models. They are now exploring manufacturing and construction techniques needed to make their final products.

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