BSJT Staff Conference – November 2021
On 1st November 2021, the Bushey St James Trust held a Staff Conference for all teaching and associate staff. There were a range of workshops and we were encouraged to investigate...
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On 1st November 2021, the Bushey St James Trust held a Staff Conference for all teaching and associate staff. There were a range of workshops and we were encouraged to investigate...
Posted by Siew Young
Are you or anyone you know (family / friends / community members) able to support students at Bushey Meads School with work experience and careers related activities this year?...
Posted by Di Mcildowie
Our year 11 students had the opportunity to partake in Elevate Education workshops. This involved guest speakers guiding the students through a range of activities designed to...
Posted by Claire Till
On Thursday 4th November our outstanding Y12 students completed a successful ‘EPQ study day.’ Students worked very enthusiastically on their individual research...
Posted by Giles Monks
Lauren Coleman 13A Lauren is another of our fantastic Year 13 students. She is always hard working and shows dedication to her studies; making excellent use of her study periods....
Posted by Giles Monks
Our year 10 students engaged in an Enterprise Day as part of their enrichment curriculum. This saw the students using communication skills and developing strategic awareness. The...
Posted by Claire Till
It was a real pleasure to attend a very successful Year 7 Celebration Evening on behalf of the Humanities and Social Sciences faculty, Thursday 21st October and to see so many...
Posted by Adam Lyley
Congratulations to Charles Pavlou in year 8 who has completed his Silver reading award. Between May and November he had to read six books of different genres, plus a book of...
Posted by Claire Till
It was a privilege to join the Year 8 assembly led by Assistant Pastoral Manager Mr Annan-Forson on Wednesday of this week and be reminded about the importance of knowledge in all...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
“Kindness the quality of being friendly, generous, considerate, thinking about other people’s feelings” Kindness is more important today than it has ever been. The isolation...
Posted by Helen Mateides
On 1st November 2021, the Bushey St James Trust held a Staff Conference for all teaching and associate staff. There were a range of workshops and we were encouraged to investigate different teaching strategies, with the aim of improving students’ learning and hopefully creating more successful, independent thinkers within the school.
Our guest speaker for the day was David Didau, an accomplished author and former educator. He stated that the current education system widens the gap between students from affluent society and the socio-economic disadvantaged students. Reflecting upon what he said, I couldn’t agree more. In my 20 years of teaching, I have seen the most underprivileged students underachieving and in times when I have surveyed my students’ data (records of classwork, homework submission, and exam records) the underprivileged students are most likely to submit less homework and get lower scores which sees them failing to meet their target level.
The workshops were designed to equip teaching staff to close this gap, to ensure we are not just stretching the gifted students in our daily teaching but making an effort to help those underprivileged students. I chose to attend the “Understanding pupil motivation” workshop led by Nick Gray, Advanced Lead Teacher at BMS and the “Growth mindset” workshop led by Tracey Greenwood of Falconer School. I chose these workshops in particular because I want to motivate the socio-economic disadvantaged students in my teaching. I am happy to have attended both sessions and I have gained much knowledge and inspiration from both of them.
Nick Gray highlighted the importance of teaching students in such a way that they feel supported and valued, in doing so students may rise to the challenge and are not worried about taking risks and make mistakes in learning. This will boost our students’ confidence and set them in good stead for the future.
Tracey Greenwood encouraged teaching staff to be mindful of our learning environment so that students gradually adopt a positive attitude and believe everyone can learn through hardship, taking risks and challenges.
Reflecting on what I learnt from the conference, how could I overcome challenges faced in order to close the gap? What are my next steps? I think I am going to improve my teaching resources for better scaffolding and support the students. I will implement a more rigorous self-assessment and self-reflecting system that requires purple pen response for my students. I will encourage them to become more autonomous in their learning. I have recently used the online mini whiteboard to collect answers from the whole class, this allows me to stretch and challenge students by asking short questions, giving students instant verbal feedback from me. Most importantly, I will endeavour to be inclusive in my formative assessment method, not just letting the high achievers raise their hand to answer questions, everyone in the class is and will be involved.
Thank you to all the staff involved in organising and delivering the workshops. Let us try our best to encourage our BMS students to be independent thinkers. Let’s close the gap, build their confidence and then the impossible will become possible!
On Monday 4th November 2019, all staff across the BSJT convened at Bushey Meads School for our annual conference. We were delighted that this year, we were also joined by staff...
At Bushey Meads School we have a very eclectic and embedded culture of sharing best practice across all levels of the organisation to promote strategies related to improving...