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Beech are Back

Beech are Back

Aaron Mitchell
Aaron Mitchell
Beech are Back

As the students return to school it provides me with an opportunity to highlight the hard work and effort that everyone has put in over these uncertain times.

We have been patiently waiting for this year’s House Arts event results and they are finally in! Beech students dominated the standings falling short only behind Willow however we still have much to celebrate. Chloe Shiers 8 Beech and Yehen Singankutta Arachchilage 11 Beech took joint 2nd place and highlighted the skill and talents we have within Beech. This year’s theme was Vision and both students took different approaches in expressing their ideas. Chloe created a beautiful piece through her talent as an artist and showing that vision is a powerful tool in changing the World. Yehen produced a lovely piece of music on the piano showing flair and his amazing talent as a pianist. I have attached both pieces to this article for you to check them out yourself!

I would also like to bring your attention to Jack Allan in 7 Beech. Throughout the most recent lockdown Jack has shown maturity and maintained a high standard of work across all subjects while in school. Not only has he produced fantastic work but is a polite well mannered student that can hold a conversation; like we have done many a time on our shared support of Watford FC.

Finally, Beech is not only about the students but also the staff that represent the house. Their continued hard work in the classroom, around site and those working away behind the scenes collectively keep the school running smoothly and safely!

Thank you to all in Beech and everything you have achieved over the last few months.

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