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Traveling to School


Thank you to the vast majority of parents and carers who park sensibly to drop off their children in the mornings and to collect them in the afternoons. May we please remind all parents and carers when dropping off/collecting students to ensure that you:


  • park sensibly and safely with due consideration to our neighbours
  • observe the yellow zigzags outside Bushey Meads and Meadow Wood schools (no pulling into the entrances of the schools)
  • ensure that traffic can flow smoothly by not parking near a junction (for example by the roundabout)

In addition, please could parents and carers ensure they do not use the entrance or car park for Meadowood School, situated next door to Bushey Meads School. It is private property not linked to Bushey Meads School and is a special school for physically and neurologically impaired primary aged pupils.

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