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Wk 31 PE Health and Faculty News 2023
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PE Health and Health Faculty News
(July 12th 2023)
Mr Cartledge Head of PE and Health
The last 2 weeks have brought a brilliant finish to the year for our athletics teams with the Junior Boys team winning the County Plate Athletics Finals and the Years 7-10 Boys and Girls teams combined winning the District B League at the annual District Championships – an amazing effort. Well done to all students who have represented the school so well over the summer months.
Wednesday 28th June saw the annual District Athletics Championship with over 1500 students from 18 schools in the Watford District competing in the full range of track and field events at the Woodside Stadium. As ever competition was fierce but the Bushey Meads students can be proud of their efforts. It was a fantastic day of competition with a special mention to 3 of our students (E Henry Y8, S Ward Y8 and M Golon-Matthew Y7) who were crowned District Champions in their events. With all the results collated Bushey Meads Boys teams finished top of the District B League and the BMS Girls teams finishing Runners-Up. This made the teams the outright B League Winners finishing ahead of the 7 other competing schools – a great achievement.
Some of the notable results are identified below :
Year 7 Girls
S Donald 5th Long Jump
A Permeti 4th Javelin
Year 8 Girl
R Antwi-Boasiako 4th 200m
S Ward 1st Discus
Year 9 Girls
M Bazile 4th 200m
Year 7 Boys
K Walker 2nd 100m
M Golon-Matthews 1st Long Jump
P Soteriou 3rd Javelin
Year 8 Boys
E Henry 1st 100m
K Gibson 3rd 200m
N Walters 2nd 300m
J Cunningham 2nd 800m
Relay 3rd
H Neal 3rd Pole Vault
H Hayward 4th High Jump
L Dimon 3rd Long Jump
Year 9 Boys
L Fearnside 2nd Pole Vault
Year 10 Boys
D Ansa Otu 2nd 200m
K Tinriover 5th Javelin
Squad: G. Amoako-Wiredu, E. Henry, K. Gibson, N. Walters, J. Cunningham, H McManus, L. Dimon, H. Hayward, R. Cooper, H. Neal, K.Walker
Results: G. Amoako-Wiredu – 8th Hurdles, E. Henry – 1st 100m, N. Walters – 1st 300m, K. Gibson – 4th 200m, J. Cunningham – 1st 800m, H. McManus – 3rd 1500m, H. Neal – 1st Pole Vault, E. Henry – 1st Shot Put, R. Cooper – 6th Discus, H. Hayward 4th High Jump, K. Gibson 2nd Triple Jump & L. Dimon – 4th Long Jump.
Total points: 76
Over the last seven weeks, the U14 boys athletics team have shown fantastic commitment whilst taking part in the District Athletics League.
Following a hugely successful first 6 matches where the boys got stronger and stronger each week. The U14 boys managed to finish 8th in the league, qualifying for the District Athletics Plate Final. The plate final is made up of the schools who finished 5th – 8th in the league over the 6 prior matches and then combined with the other half of schools in Hertfordshire to conclude in a final competition and the opportunity to win a trophy.
On Monday 3rd July, the boys went off to Jarman Park in Hemel Hempstead to compete for the last time this year in the final. We were up against some strong competitors including Roundwood Park, Longdean, Sir John Lawes and others. The boys performed well on the track on Monday with some very strong performances from E. Henry – 1st 100m, N. Walters – 1st 200m, J. Cunningham – 1st 800m & H. McManus – 3rd 1500m. When the track finished, we moved onto the field events and another strong performance from the boys on the field including H. Neal – 1st Pole Vault, E. Henry – 1st Shot Put & K. Gibson 2nd Triple Jump.
After all the events concluded, we gathered on the track to find out our results. A successful day for Bushey Meads students which was later topped off by finding out that the winners of the U14 District Athletics Plate Final 2023 was Bushey Meads scoring a total of 76 points. Throughout the season there have been some exceptional performances all round from students, setting new personal bests, working excellently as a team and demonstrating the ability to motivate themselves and work as part of a team throughout.
This is the first time that this event has been won by Bushey Meads School students and hopefully this sets the students up for next year’s athletics where they step up an age group.
Excellent performances all round. Well done all.
Year 9/10 Cricket v Immanuel (Division 1) Mr Cartledge
Date : Thursday 29th June 2023
Score : Bushey Meads 136 for 3 off 15 overs, Immanuel 54 for 8 off 15 overs
Result : Bushey Meads won by 82 runs
Batting : G Guainiere 21 not out, S Patel 14no, S Mowle 14no, A Worth 12
Bowling : S Patel 0 for 1, G Holdback 2 for 4, A Worth 1 for 1, S Mowle 2 for 20, J Allan 3 for 7, Z Watson 0 for 11
Team : S Mowle (Capt), S Patel, A Worth, J Allan, G Guainiere, M Shah, Z Watson, D Wilson, K Fung, L Fearnside, G Holdback
Comment : The Year 9/10 cricket team made it 4 wins out of 4 with another convincing batting and bowling performance. Some excellent aggressive batting from G Guainiere and S Patel gave the boys a convincing batting total. Another excellent bowling performance saw the boys ease to victory with G Guainiere taking 4 catches at wicketkeeper. Well done boys !
Year 7/8 Cricket v Immanuel (Division 1) Mr Harris/Mr Burnell
Date : Tuesday 4th July 2023
Result : Immanuel won by 44 runs.
Team : H. Neal, F. Mordecai, L. Avci, J. Cunningham, P. Kannan, A. Sanga, D. Snowden, S. Christian, K. Gorsia, P. Patel, S. McGrath
Comment: On Monday,we faced a strong Immanuel side whose consistent bowling was the difference between the two sides. With us unfortunately coming out second best and losing by 44 runs. One more game to go, good effort from all.
TENNIS Mr Cartledge
On Tuesday 26th June a group of 8 x Year 9 Boys took part in a friendly tennis fixture against St Margarets. The boys were split into an A and B team of two double pairs and played a series of matches against the opposition A and B teams. After a very enjoyable afternoon of tennis the Bushey Meads A team (S Mowle, A Worth, L Fearnside, Z Watson) won their match with the B team (T Tregear, A Samnan, K Patel, M Wong) losing. Well done to all the boys who took part.
Following recent trials Abbasali M in 9Ash has been selected for the Hertfordshire County U16 badminton squad despite being only 14. This is a fantastic achievement and we look forward to hearing about his progress in the future.
Congratulations to Amy Deutrom 12Sycamore who was selected to play for the Hertfordshire U17 girls basketball squad at the National Championships in Norwich last weekend. The Hertfordshire girls made it all the way to the final where they were narrowly beaten. Well done Amy,
Health Faculty Ashley Cartledge cartledgea@busheymeads.org.uk . For any specific issues related to Girls PE and girls fixtures contact Sarah Cooper coopers@busheymeads.org.uk.