Congratulations to our Year 11 students on another very good set of GCSE results!

Congratulations to our Year 11 students on another very good set of GCSE results!

Jeremy Turner
Jeremy Turner
Congratulations to our Year 11 students on...

GCSE results at the popular, heavily oversubscribed school in Coldharbour Lane (ranked 10th most popular in Hertfordshire – School’s Guru) indicate once again that the school is continuing to enable students to achieve their potential. 1 in 4 of all entries this year achieved the top 9 – 7 (A* – A) grades.

Results in all the core subjects have improved significantly over the last 5 years and continued to maintain very good results this year. Results also rose significantly from 2018 figures in Modern Foreign Languages (by 22%) and Humanities subjects (by 12%) for 9 – 4 (A* – C) measures.

Many students, including those listed below, are celebrating some outstanding success and marking the culmination of another year of excellent academic and personal achievements for all students at the school where nearly 1 in 5 students achieved at least five top 9 – 7 (A* and A) grades and the vast majority students passed with at least five good 9 – 4 (A* – C) GCSE grades. Executive Principal Jeremy Turner (appointed in September 2014) said:

“We are once again really pleased with the superb success of our GCSE students this year. So many of them have achieved their target grades and the overall headline figures demonstrate that the school is continuing to provide an excellent education to students in the local area. I would like to congratulate and thank all the hard working and dedicated staff, students and their parents for their commitment and support throughout the year.” 

Top Students in 2019 include:

Pallav Hingu who achieved 5 grade 9s, 1 grade 8, 1 grade 7 and 2 grade 6s

Avon Shrestha who achieved 4 grade 9s, 2 grade 8s, 1 grade 7 and 2 grade 6s

Arunesh Uthayakumar who achieved 3 grade 9s, 2 grade 8s, 2 grade 7s, 1 grade 6 and 1 grade 5

Zuzanna Pawlaczyk who achieved 2 grade 9s, 5 grade 8s and 2 grade 7s

Sarrina Freeman who achieved 2 grade 9s, 2 grade 8s, 3 grade 7s, 1 grade 6 and 1 grade 5

Ediz Yassikaya who achieved 1 grade 9, 5 grade 8s, 1 grade 6 and 2 grade 5s

Jessica Wood who achieved 1 grade 9, 4 grade 8s and 4 grade 7s

Alina Khan who achieved 1 grade 9, 4 grade 8s, 2 grade 6s and 2 grade 5s

Nathra Sriharan who achieved 1 grade 9s, 3 grade 8s, 2 grade 7s, 2 grade 6s and a grade 4

Myfanwy Taylor-Bean who achieved 1 grade 9, 2 grade 8s, 2 grade 7s, 2 grade 6s and 1 grade 5

Pilar Gonzalez who achieved 1 grade 9, 1 grade 8, 6 grade 7s and 2 grade 6s

Lakshaa Srishanka who achieved 6 grade 8s 2 grade 7s and 1 grade 5

Jessica Enevoldson who achieved 2 grade 8s, 4 grade 7s and 2 grade 6s 

Key Headlines Figures:

9 – 7 (A* – A): 26%
5+ 9 – 7 (A* – A): 19%
9 – 4 (A* – C): 78%
5+ 9 – 4 (A* – C): 65%
5+ 9 – 4 (A* – C) including English & Maths: 65%
9 – 1 (A* – G) 99.4
 9 – 4 (A* – C) in English: 81%
9 – 4 (A* – C) in Maths: 84%
9 – 4 (A* – C): 2 Sciences: 64%, MFL: 83%, Humanities: 68%

In line with the school’s continued focus on improving teaching and learning, maximising and monitoring progress and raising achievement, 15 key subject areas have improved their A* – C pass rate since 2014, on average by 16%. 9 subjects this year achieved their best ever results. 7 subjects also achieved more 9 – 7 (A* – A) grades than ever before.

This year results in the following subjects significantly improved: D & T (Food) by 35%, Music by 31%, French by 27%, Spanish by 21%, History by 20% Drama by 13%, IT by 12% and Computer Science by 9%.  All these statistics, combined with the very good headline measures, indicate the outstanding value to education that is continuing to be offered to all students at Bushey Meads School.

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