Enjoying PE Lessons

Enjoying PE Lessons

Jeremy Turner
Jeremy Turner
Enjoying PE Lessons

It was a real delight to join Mrs Cooper’s Year 7 PE class last week and see how much the girls enjoyed their netball lesson which had been superbly crafted and delivered to support a key skill identified from their prior learning – that of defence.

The hour long lesson flew by and everyone was engaged and joining in with all the fun activities that, not only got their heart rates pumping, but also developed the skills involved in being a great defender.

After some warm up, drills and skills practice led by the students themselves, the girls played half court and full court games to put their skills and learning into action in a game situation. All the way through the lesson low stakes quizzing and excellent questioning by the teacher teased out a depth of understanding and deepened knowledge about many theoretical and practical aspects of the lesson.

It was extremely impressive to see the high engagement, positive attitudes to learning and progress in the lesson and also over time.

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