Effective Questioning at BMS

Effective Questioning at BMS

Jeremy Turner
Jeremy Turner
Effective Questioning at BMS
One of our top teachers in the Maths Faculty Ms Sirad shared some excellent reminders about the power of effective questioning in lessons and how it can impact postively on learning and progress for all students. Speaking at one of our regular Monday Magic Moments at Staff Briefing in the Main Hall, she reminded staff that questioning engages students, encourages discussion and promotes higher order thinking.
She shared her strategy of providing ‘wait time’ after posing the questions to enable students to think and give even better answers. When combined with the proven technique of pose, pause, pounce and bounce, it helps create an atmosphere in the classroom where it’s okay to not know everything and be able to use other ‘experts’ in the room to deepen knowledge and understanding.
Ms Sirad always has a very postive classroom and we are privileged to have her in our school. Her sharing of best practice made for a great start to another week at BMS.

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