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Year 12 D&T off to a Flying Start!

Year 12 D&T off to a Flying Start!

Niralee Pattni
Niralee Pattni
Year 12 D&T off to a Flying Start!

This term, Year 12 D&T A-Level students have been challenged with developing some advanced skills. Poppie, Vera and Ema have been upskilling themselves by learning how to pattern draft for themselves. This is a very tricky skill and trained pattern cutters take years and years to master it so hats off to them for giving it a good go!

In addition, students have been set a brief, to investigate and design a piece, fitting for a restaurant of their choice. Students have had to write their own context, explore the theme themselves and produce perspective drawings, in order to design their final solutions! Next week they will be presenting their designs through individual pitches!

Watch this space for more info on how it goes!

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