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BMS Language leaders support creative language learning at Hartsbourne

BMS Language leaders support creative language learning at Hartsbourne

Nicola Paddick
Nicola Paddick
BMS Language leaders support creative...
On Friday 24 January five BMS Student Language Leaders went to Hartsbourne School to help the year 4s get creative in their French lesson.
The class was learning the classic story of ‘Les trois petits cochons’ in French (the Three Little Pigs). Together with Mrs Paddick, the Language Leaders helped to support the year 4s to learn the words and actions for the story off by heart. The students picked up the French pronunciation really quickly and enjoyed having the older students there to help them.
For the Language Leaders- Scarlett Appleby, Marysa Sanchez, Derry Williams-Brown, Yashvi Hingu and Krisha Ravishanger, this was an excellent opportunity to share their language skills and get a bit of insight into the teaching experience.
This is the beginning of a wider creative project which is a collaboration between Hartsbourne, Little Reddings and Bushey Meads Schools and hopes to encourage and bring passion to language learning across the trust. We look forward to the next stage of this exciting creative project with the Language Leaders’ next visit to Hartsbourne in March.

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