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Sometimes Plan B Works Out to be Better!

Sometimes Plan B Works Out to be Better!

Jeremy Turner
Jeremy Turner
Sometimes Plan B Works Out to be Better!

It is always inspiring to hear of how the teachers at Bushey Meads help students to achieve their true potential; this week I received the following email from a father of one of our Year 11 students who has just transitioned successfully into our high performing Sixth Form.

You’ll like the story…..

Good morning Mr Turner

I felt compelled to write this email to ask you to pass on my thanks and appreciation to all the wonderful staff at Bushey Meads School who have helped our son achieve a set of fantastic GCSE results.

We were extremely happy that he was able to achieve 3 level 9’s, 2 level 8’s and an A. Even in the subjects he found tough, he managed to achieve grades we were more than happy with.  

Bushey Meads really is a fantastic school that has enabled him to reach these magnificent grades. He put in the hard work throughout his time at the school and he was encouraged to do this by the inspiring setting the school provides.

We originally overlooked Bushey Meads School, despite it being our nearest local state school. We had high aspirations for him and decided he should attend a local private school at the start of Year 7. This decision proved to be a mistake because he didn’t flourish during his first year of secondary education and so we took the extremely tough decision to seek a place at Bushey Meads. Luckily enough there was a place for him and this switch proved to be right; confirmed by his fantastic GCSE results.

Ultimately, we believe that he wouldn’t have achieved what he has if hadn’t attended Bushey Meads School and he is looking forward to the next stage of his journey as he begins life in the 6th Form.

Thank you again,

Year 11 Parent

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