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July 11th Enrichment Day

July 11th Enrichment Day

Bill Fisher
Bill Fisher
July 11th Enrichment Day

A very special, personalised day to look forward to

Enrichment days are an opportunity for deep learning, to explore PSHE topics, to work in teams, and to benefit from trips and visits. Enrichment days allow a different format of the day and create some life-long memories.

July 11th is going to be a very different enrichment day. 770 students from Years 7 to 10 have been given the opportunity to choose from 30 extremely varied, cross-age activities. There are sporty activities to keep the heart active, creative activities, different museum and gallery visits, and an exiting range of activities at school which take advantage of our own great facilities.

Some activities incur a charge and other brilliant activities on-site incur no charge at all. Where activities do incur a charge we will need a very quick turn-around in order to secure bookings. I know we can count on your cooperation for that. Trip letters should be sent out next week.

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