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Year 7 Spanish Tapas trip

Year 7 Spanish Tapas trip

Keren Crespi
Keren Crespi
Year 7 Spanish Tapas trip

On Wednesday 5th June, Mrs Crespi took a group of Year 7 Spanish students to a Tapas restaurant in London.  This provided them with the opportunity to enhance both their linguistic skills and cultural understanding.  They could use conversational Spanish in a real-world setting, engaging with native speakers and ordering food; asking questions and making small talk.  They had exposure to food related vocabulary and phrases that might not be covered in the classroom, such as menu items, ingredients and dining etiquette.  Students were able to engage more dynamically compared with a traditional classroom setting.  Sharing the food and experience promotes camaraderie among the students, fostering a collaborative learning atmosphere which makes language learning more effective and memorable.


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