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Creativity with Mathematics

Creativity with Mathematics

Anca Visan
Anca Visan
Creativity with Mathematics

This past week in our math class has been a thrilling adventure into the world of geometry! Our students enthusiastically delved into the creation of 3D shapes, transforming our classroom into a vibrant workshop of creativity and discovery.

The lesson began with a discussion on the properties of 3D shapes, where students learned about vertices, edges, and faces. They then applied this knowledge hands-on, constructing their own 3D models using various materials. From cubes and pyramids to more complex structures like dodecahedrons, the students’ imaginations and problem-solving skills were truly put to the test.

Seeing the joy and pride on their faces as they built their shapes was incredibly rewarding. They not only grasped the mathematical concepts but also demonstrated teamwork and perseverance. Each student had the opportunity to showcase their creations, explaining the construction process and the unique features of their shapes.

One of the highlights was the collaborative effort of building a large, intricate 3D shape as a class. This activity fostered a sense of community and allowed students to see how their individual efforts contributed to a larger project. It was wonderful to witness their excitement and sense of accomplishment.

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