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GCHQ visit to MFL Faculty

GCHQ visit to MFL Faculty

Hilarie Charles
Hilarie Charles
GCHQ visit to MFL Faculty

Fancy yourself as the next James Bond? Your dream could become a reality after GCHQ, the government intelligence agency which works with MI5 and MI6, visited French and Spanish lessons on Monday 5th July.

The purpose of the visit was to tell students about the exciting language careers in GCHQ. Some classes were also lucky enough to have a language taster lesson in Arabic and completed a language code-cracking competition.

Shivenn Hindocha Year 9: I believe that the GCHQ visit was really beneficial to students looking to study languages further because it gives you an insight to an occupation which could interest you. I think that visits like this give children a better understanding of what they might want to study in their GCSES/A levels and university.  

Both Lisa and Claire from GCHQ commented on how well all the students participated and said that they asked some really well thought out questions.  

Well done to all Bushey Meads linguists!      

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