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Do you know what your child is doing on their phone?

Do you know what your child is doing on their phone?

Tracy Greenwood
Tracy Greenwood
Do you know what your child is doing on...

With the summer holiday coming up and the increase in free time our children will be using their phones more than ever. Do you really know what they are doing on their phones and who they are talking and messaging?

In school we have assemblies and PSHE lessons centred around staying safe online and have even looked at the impact of social media on Mental Health.
Young Minds have a useful webpage that looks at the impact of Social Media and Mental Health. It has many useful guides including;
*  Understanding your social media feed
* Advice for a more positive time online
* Protecting your privacy

There has also been a rise in Financially Motivated Sexual Extortion. This is usually carried out by overseas crime gangs who are looking to extort money from young people of either gender, but the rates are on the increase in teenage boys. I have emailed out a letter to all parents from the National Crime Agency with all the details of how to spot signs and how to report or deal with any concerns.
We all would like to think this will never happen to our child but we also need to consider the ‘what if?’
Are they open with you about what apps they are on?
Do you know what the apps do?
Do they know the people they are viewing their snapchats, instagram posts etc?
Do you have access to their accounts to see what content they are posting?
In the last few years there has been a huge increase in the amount of peer on peer bullying that is happening via social media. These messages are being sent late into the night. Do your children have restricted screen time use?
The internet and social media can be such a positive tool but with everything it is all about balance and setting limits. Having open and honest conversations with our children about what they are doing online and their responsibilities can help them to come to you when something does go wrong.

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