A Vertical Tutoring Transition!

A Vertical Tutoring Transition!

Madeline Silla
Madeline Silla
A Vertical Tutoring Transition!

The last two weeks has seen Bushey Meads Collapse the tutor groups from Year Groups to House Groups. The programme for the fortnight has been based around a theme of, ‘Promoting Positive Health and Wellbeing.’ Which has supported National Mental Health Week, ‘Move more for Mental Health.’

 It has been a fantastic opportunity to see all of the Houses get together and the Vertical Tutoring programme has encouraged students from the same House, yet different year groups to co-operate and collaborate with each other. This has strongly supported our core values of ‘Respect, Responsibilities and Relationships,’ and strengthened them across the school.

From seeing the Year 7 s who were nervous, to equally apprehensive Year 12 students, flourish over the last two weeks, has been a great sight to see. They have engaged in Meditation, Mandala Making and discussion topics about Mental Health whilst attending their House Assemblies.

Thank you to all of the staff and students for making the last two weeks such a success!

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