Unleash Your STEAM Business Idea with £2,500 Funding!

Unleash Your STEAM Business Idea with £2,500 Funding!

Mo Abusef
Mo Abusef
Unleash Your STEAM Business Idea with £2,500...



Are you a Young Woman in Year 13 with a passion for Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics (STEAM)? If so, the Outbox Entrepreneurs program is for you! This exclusive program is designed to empower young women like you with the skills, knowledge, and resources you need to bring your business idea to life.

The Outbox Entrepreneurs program is a 7-month virtual program that includes a 4-week incubator, extensive mentorship, and the opportunity to secure up to £2,500 in equity-free funding. During the incubator, you will learn from expert mentors, receive valuable feedback and connect with other young women entrepreneurs. You will also have the opportunity to develop your business idea, refine your pitch, and launch your business.

Outbox Entrepreneurs understands the demands of Year 13 studies and respects your commitments. That’s why sessions are thoughtfully scheduled on weekends and evenings, ensuring that you can actively participate without hindering your academic progress. Whether you’re preparing for apprenticeship or focusing on university applications, this programme is designed to seamlessly integrate with your existing responsibilities.

To learn more about this exciting opportunity, please click on this link.

Remember, you are the future. Join Outbox Entrepreneurs and empower yourself to create a brighter tomorrow!

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