Amazing Dance Showcase Evening

Amazing Dance Showcase Evening

Jeremy Turner
Jeremy Turner
Amazing Dance Showcase Evening
Despite the heat on Tuesday evening, a large and appreciative audience of parents and carers and their families, teachers and teaching assistants and fellow students packed into the Main Hall and enjoyed an amazing evening of dance, epitomising the incredible talent that exists at Bushey Meads. The images and videos give a flavour of the quality of dance numbers created by the students under the expert direction of our hugely talented dance teachers and superb Head of Dance Miss Bragoli. Many of the dances were choreographed by the students themselves and it was so good to see so many mixed age dances – many of our top Sixth Form and GCSE dancers supporting their more junior proteges and ensuring this legacy of dance continues through the generations over the years.
Every performance was polished and professional and the whole evening ran like clockwork – a real tribute to the hours of practise and rehearsal involved.
A huge congratulations to all the staff and students involved – you made us proud!
Do click on the links to some short media clips of a few of the dances performed during the amazing show:

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