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Student of the Week – Issue 67

Student of the Week – Issue 67

Kashan Malik
Kashan Malik
Student of the Week – Issue 67
Key Stage 3

Sophie 7 Elm – Sophie has had a terrific first term at Bushey Meads with nearly 300 achievement points, no consequence points and 100% attendance! Sophie is engaged in lessons, makes lots of positive contributions and is a delight to teach!  We are so proud of you and wish you all the best for the rest of Year 7!  Keep up the great work!

Key Stage 4

Akshya 10 Elm  – Akshya is an excellent student and made a great start to her GCSEs.  She is a diligent and dedicated student, this is reflected in her excellent ATL grades, attendance and achievement points.  She has a brilliant work ethic, is a pleasure to teach and makes excellent contributions through her music performances as a musician.  Keep up the excellent work Akshya and you will reap the rewards!

Key Stage 5

Jake 13 Beech – Jake is an exemplary year 13 student who is working tirelessly in preparation for his upcoming PPE’s in February.

Jake shared some wonderful news with us today, he has secured 3 offers from Universities.

Well done Jake and good luck with your upcoming exams.

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