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Our Students Show Determination and Discipline

Our Students Show Determination and Discipline

Mo Abusef
Mo Abusef
Our Students Show Determination and...

I am pleased to report that our KS4 and KS5 students have successfully completed their PPEs (Pre-Public Exams) in the last two weeks and have performed exceptionally well in terms of both behaviour and attitude during the exams. As a member of staff, I can’t express enough how proud I am of our students for their efforts and dedication.

During the PPEs, our students exhibited outstanding behaviour and a positive attitude towards their exams. They showed excellent concentration, determination and perseverance throughout the exam period. Additionally, our students were extremely respectful towards each other and the invigilators, which created a calm and productive exam environment.
This PPE period also served as a good rehearsal for the actual GCSE/A level exams that our students will be sitting in the summer. The PPEs provide students with a glimpse of the real exam environment, helping them to identify any areas of weakness and allowing them to refine their exam techniques.
To celebrate the success of our students, I have taken a few pictures which I would like to share with the school community. These pictures capture the students’ dedication and commitment to their academic pursuits, and I hope they serve as an inspiration to all of us.
As we move forward, we will continue to support our students in their academic journeys. I encourage parents and guardians to reinforce the importance of hard work, discipline and commitment towards their education, and to celebrate our students’ successes with them.
Finally, I would like to wish our KS4 and KS5 students the best of luck in the upcoming GCSE/A level exams this summer. I have no doubt that with their hard work, determination, and positive attitudes, they will achieve the results they deserve.
We wish them all the best as they prepare for the real exams.

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