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Vertical Character Development Time

Vertical Character Development Time

Jeremy Turner
Jeremy Turner
Vertical Character Development Time

Our hard working Associate Leader and Head of Sixth Form Mr O’Kelly led our Friday Faculty Foci last week to launch this year’s vertical Character Development Time fortnight taking place from Monday 29th April. The aim of the fortnight is to compliment our usual horizontal year group structures by offering our students the chance to experience cross-age Character Development Time groups. Students from Year 7, 8, 9, 10 and 12 will undertake 5 different activities looking at learning from each other in relation to choosing options at GSCE and Post 16 level, how to build positive relationships, the importance of using social media sensibly and developing our culture of kindness.We look forward to the fortnight strengthening our vibrant House system which already encourages students of all ages within their House to work together to build and develop our superb family atmosphere and ethos at Bushey Meads.

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