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The Power of Kindness

The Power of Kindness

Jeremy Turner
Jeremy Turner
The Power of Kindness

At the heart of our school sits our mantra ‘Our School Has a Mind to Be Kind’ and this week Mr O’Kelly, Associate Leader and Head of Sixth Form has been leading the Main School Assemblies. He explained how being kind to others around us is actually a really beneficial thing to do. By being kind we experience many positive benefits in terms of increased personal satisfaction and positive wellbeing.

He also shared the science behind these well known theories and reminded all students of the power of kindness. It is something we want to really promote in our ethos and culture here at BMS and the SIxth Formers, pictured here listening attentively on Monday morning, are excellent role models for the younger students in this sphere. They are all involved in the very powerful Kindness Matters Programme at BMS overseen by Assistant Head of Sixth Form Mrs Timotheou, which is really having a powerful effect across and beyond our learning community.

I would like to congratulate Mrs Timotheou for having such an impact and for all the Sixth Formers for everything that they do as role models for kindness in the school

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