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Student Of The Week

We are very proud of our students at Bushey Meads and we are delighted to recognise hard work in all forms.  The pastoral team chose the student of week by looking at all the available information, including the rewards/consequence points and feedback from all staff here at Bushey Meads.

This week we are delighted to highlight those that have excelled and worked their hardest throughout the year to this point.

A massive and heartfelt congratulations to the following students, who have been awarded this weeks student of the week:


7S Lucas Johnson – For always willing to go the extra mile to support the school and his peer group, with a smile and a brilliant attitude.



8W Aryan Aggarwal – For showing courage, persistence, resilience and an excellent attitude to learning.




9O Neo Mitchell – For consistently displaying a mind to be kind within the Bushey Meads community




10W Annabel Fish – For persistently excellent attitude to learning





11A Zack Freeman – For challenging himself to improve his achievement through hard work, perseverance and excellent attitude in class .

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