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Ski Trip 2022

Ski Trip 2022

Morag Waring
Morag Waring
Ski Trip 2022

If you are reading this on Friday 23rd of April then there are only 296 days until the 11th of February 2022. 296 days to get fit, find the right clothes and save up for Bushey Meads annual Ski Trip to Falcade, Italy. 296 days to try and contain my excitement, which is impossible.

At this time of year all my social media memories are of skiing and snowboarding both with school and without. This year I’m aware that I am having mountain withdrawal symptoms from not being able to rush down a snowy slope on a pair of skis or on a snowboard. I’ve been on a ski trip every year from the age of four. I both ski and snowboard, and for me there is nothing better than that feeling as you get off the top of the first chairlift in the morning. The white snow, blue sky, Mr Besisira’s bright jackets, the mountains in the distance, the air cold on my skin, that moment of anticipation… Then we’re off! The wind rushing past, Mr B ahead of me, and the feeling of rightness when you hit a turn just so. I cannot wait!

I love snow sports and taking students to experience it, sometimes for the first time, is a thrilling responsibility. Sometimes people despair at the idea of a 24 hour coach journey but with a set of headphones, a comfy new ski hoodie, and some snacks most find the time passes swiftly enough. Especially if you can sleep.
BMS have been going to the same resort since I started going in 2015, so when we arrive in Falcade it is like coming home. We’re met by the wonderful holiday rep Marta who I definitely count as a friend now. The hotel management know us and greet us cheerfully, as do the ski hire staff and the ski instructors led by the indomitable Mirco. Mr B and I have often been complimented on the politeness and good behaviour of our students by the people we encounter.
On ski days I’m always up first and I’ve been told that my excited banging on doors to wake everyone is very annoying, but I don’t think I’m going to change any time soon. I love it so much that I bounce out of bed first in the morning. A good breakfast is vital as skiing burns loads more calories than you think. Ski jackets on and off we go up the mountain, meet the instructors and andiamo (Italian for ‘let’s go!’). A great lesson with excellent instructors, a fantastic lunch on the mountain and then another lesson. Once we’re back down the mountain there’s free time or one of the evening activities. Pizza night is always a hit, typical, traditional Italian pizza, yum!!! The tubing night is my favourite for the thrill of hurtling down a little slope on a rubber ring and the rich hot chocolate on offer afterwards. Don’t forget the disco night where you can see the teacher’s exceptional dance moves. This night is frequently so popular that the students from other schools have tried to get in, but with me on the door if you’re not on the list you’re not coming in! The disco is always on Thursday night as we leave straight from dinner on Friday night. The coach journey home is generally silent, despite a few students determined to be the first to stay awake all the way home.
Due to the pandemic and the trip not going ahead in 2021, we will be opening the 2022 trip to years 9 – 12. As long as you have worked hard and been well behaved feel free to apply. More information about this will be coming out soon or come and see Mr Besisira or Mrs Waring to discuss the requirements.
My own children aren’t quite old enough to ski yet (3yo and 1yo) so in the meantime I’ll have to make do with introducing our students to this experience instead. Here’s what some of them have said:
The ski trip 2020 was definitely the best trip I have ever been on. It was the most fun and was certainly unforgettable.Ella C 11Maple
I absolutely loved the ski trip last year, it was a surreal experience and I thoroughly enjoyed trying something new! Jhanavi 11Oak
I’m so excited already that I’m planning my exercise routines and packing my bags in my head ready for February next year. Who’s coming with me?

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