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PE Health and Health Faculty News

PE Health and Health Faculty News

Ashley Cartledge
Ashley Cartledge
PE Health and Health Faculty News

PE Year 10 Enrichment Day activities

The first Enrichment Day of the year saw the Year 10 Sports Studies group attend the annual days sailing and raft building with the Bury Lake Young Mariners at Rickmansworth Aquadrome. The trip was part of Unit R056 Developing knowledge and skills in outdoor activities where students are developing their experience of the range of different outdoor activities in the UK. With a mixture of rain, wind and sunshine during the day the group showed fantastic enthusiasm for the activities showing great control in the sail boats and really using the wind to develop speed. In the afternoon session the students built their own rafts with one team managing to keep their raft afloat around the course. The BLYM instructors were extremely impressed by the efforts of the BMS students who showed a real flair for sailing. The group now looks forward to further trips in BMX and mountain biking as well as a days kayaking later in the year. Many thanks again to the team at BLYM and well done to all the students for their efforts throughout the day.

Football reports
Year 10 v St Joan of Arc (District League/County Cup) AWAY Mr Symeou
Date : Wednesday 29th September 2021
Result : Lost 9-4
Scorers : D. Barbakadze (3), N. Bryan.
Squad : C. Hughes, C. Sacikaran, A. Sacikaran, N. Mitchell, A. Clarke, D. Barbakadze, K. Larkin, L. Georgiou, J. Sims, C. Marriot, N. Bryan, F. Carpenter, B. Regan, H. Wafi.
Commended performances : D. Barbakadze, A. Clarke
Comment : On Wednesday, the year 10 boys football team faced difficult opponents as St Joan of Arc gave the team their biggest test of the season so far. The boys worked hard and went in at 4-3 at half time. As the game went on, St Joan of Arc started to control the game and were clinical with their finishing. The match ended with a well-deserved victory for St Joan of Arc and our boys look forward to their next challenge.

Year 11 v Reach Free (District League) HOME Mr Burnell
Date : Wednesday 29th September 2021
Result : Won 5-2
Scorers : Q. Kazmi, D. Angold, L. Hil, D. Colakovic, K. Ford.
Squad : Patel J, D. Angold, K. Ford, A. O’Shea, Q. Kazmi, N Haines, I. Dahmani, L. Hill, A. Chaudry Shamas, E. Mccarthy-Richardson, D. Colakovic.
Commended performances : A. Chaudry Shamas, A. O’Shea, N Haines, D. Angold, Q. Kazmi, D. Colakovic.
Comment : Wednesday saw the year 11 team play their second district league game of the season against Reach Free. The team started really well by playing some excellent football which led to the first goal of the game. The team kept the pressure on by creating plenty more chances to score but were unable to add the final finish to some good build up play. Bushey were then awarded a penalty, which they converted to take a two goal lead into half time. Reach Free started the second half really well by creating some good chances of their own and quickly found themselves bringing the game level at two two. The team then re-grouped and began creating some more very good chances to score. They scored two goals quickly with only 7 minutes to go in the game. They capped the game off by scoring another late penalty. An excellent team performance by all involved.

Year 8 v Parmiters B (District League) AWAY Mr Cartledge
Date : Monday 4th October 2021
Result : Won 6-3
Scorers : G Guainiere 3, J Allan, L Amin, R Christou-Totesaut
Squad : J Gladdy, L Johnson, G Guainiere, J Allan, L Fearnside, B Okeke, S Mowle, Z Bertie, L Amin, Z Watson, R Christou-Totesaut, G Holdback, J Coady, E Ansu Otu, T Callaghan
Commended performances : G Guainiere, J Gladdy, S Mowle
Comment : The year 8 boys made it 3 wins from 5 games with a convincing win over Parmiters after a very strong second half performance. Despite having much of the possession the boys found themselves 3-1 behind at half time. However some excellent football in the second half and a fantastic hat trick from G Guainiere saw the boys produce a well deserved win in very wet conditions. Special mention to J Gladdy who was outstanding again at centre back.

Year 11 v Croxley Danes (District League) AWAY Mr Burnell
Date : Tuesday 5th October 2021
Result : Lost 6-0
Scorers :
Squad : Patel J, A. O’Shea, Q. Kazmi, N Haines, I. Dahmani, A. Chaudry Shamas, C. Martin, E. Mccarthy-Richardson, D. Colakovic, C. Gomez, Z. Charrouf, A, Wahabdeen
Commended performances : A. O’Shea, N Haines, E. Mccarthy-Richardson, J. Patel.
Comment : Tuesday saw the year 11 team play their third district league game of the season against a very strong Croxley Danes side. The team started well and created some good chances to score. However Croxley Danes scored two excellent goals to take a 2-0 lead into the break. Similar to the first half the team started really well by playing some excellent football. However again, Croxley danes began playing some very good football, scoring some great team goals. The team showed excellent character all the way through the game and can learn a lot from this result.

Junior Girls v Parmiters (District League) AWAY Ms Rollings
Date : Monday 4th October 2021
Result : Loss
Squad: S.Seeby, A.Khan, S. Kitto-Mentor, M. Dillon, E. Dillon, T. Bracewell, V. Anand, A. Benjamin, I. Wijerathna, M. Moore, D. Beeton, I. Palan
Commended Performances: S.Seeby, A.Khan, S Kitto-Mentor, I. Wijerathna
Comment: This was the first match for the junior girls team and it was great to see the girls so enthusiastic, despite the biblical rain! The girls played well against a very strong Parmiters side and even though we came away with a loss it was a great experience for the girls playing their first game.

Girls Football practice takes place on a Thursday on the astro, and we are lucky to have WFC helping with the KS3 session. Everyone is welcome to attend.

Year 8 v Westfield (District League) AWAY Mrs Cartledge
Date : Wednesday 29th September 2021
Result : Won 18-4
Squad : L Winslett, L Cloote, E Bird, M Bazile, L Qarib, S Doran, E Dillon, I Wijerathna, V Hill, Z O’Brart.
Comment : This was the year 8 girls first match representing Bushey Meads. Once the nerves had settled the girls began to link some brilliant passes and strong interceptions. Impressive shooting and excellent defending in the circle increased our lead in the 3rd quarter. All the team played well and it was a well deserved win. A great start to the season.
Commended performances: M. Bazile.for excellent interceptions.

Netball practices take place on Tuesday’s for KS3 students and Wednesdays for KS4/5. Everyone is welcome.

A polite reminder to all students and parents that the only leggings acceptable for taking part in PE lessons and for representing the school are the BMS branded lessons as per the uniform/kit lists.
Students are permitted to wear plain black tracksuit bottoms or loose fitting shorts as an alternative to branded leggings.
Thank you for your cooperation with this.

We are pleased to be able to offer SEND PE club again this year. SEND PE club provides the opportunity for students who may have additional needs to take part in extra-curricular sporting activities.

Sports activities change on a regular basis, this week the students embraced volleyball as a new activity. Anyone wishing to attend (Monday from 3.15-4.15) should speak to Mrs Cooper or Ms Rollings in PE, or Mrs Hedges in the SEND department.

For full details of ALL the clubs, fixtures and practices students and parents need to check on the Bushey Meads School website in the Calendar icon where you will find a full list of the extra-curricular activities. This is updated on a weekly basis to show the fixtures and practices for each week. In addition students can check the notice boards in the boys and girls changing rooms and in the main PE lobby. The PE and Health Faculty also have their own Twitter account which includes regular updates on fixtures, match reports and details of forthcoming events.


All students who attend after school sports clubs will receive R2 Reward points every time they attend.

Students selected for teams will receive team sheets with start and finish times. Some clubs may change week by week depending on fixtures and meetings but parents should check the twitter account and the website for updates.

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