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C’est la fête des crêpes

C’est la fête des crêpes

Victoria Hargreaves
Victoria Hargreaves
C’est la fête des crêpes
In KS3 French lessons just before half-term, we were looking at the French festival of “la Chandeleur” which is held every year on 2nd February. Unlike our tradition of pancake day on the last day before the start of the Christian period of Lent, the French eat “les crêpes” typically for “La Chandeleur” (Candlemass) to celebrate the start of days getting lighter. Sounds like a good idea to me!
In my year 7 classes, we had a “crêpe” competition as our half-term homework and had some amazing entries – photos below.
“Les gagnants”
Alex Twigger, 07M and Summer Penny, 07A receive R3s for their beautiful entries. Félicitations!!!
“Bravo à tous – les crêpes étaient fantastiques et certainement très délicieuses aussi – miam! miam!”

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