Local Headteacher Visits BMS

Local Headteacher Visits BMS

Jeremy Turner
Jeremy Turner
Local Headteacher Visits BMS

It was inspiring to welcome Paul Clair the new dynamic Headteacher of Falconers School to Bushey Meads on Wednesday of this week.

He visited classrooms and offices across our wonderful learning environment and spoke to many students and staff, clearly impressed with the focus on learning, high engagement and positive desire to achieve.

I was particularly proud of the Year 7 students pictured here in Mr Johnson’s English lesson and their superb focus on quality writing at the end of his inspiring lesson; it was very impressive seeing them share their achievements in their books with Mr Clair.

Mr Clair enjoyed speaking to a number of key staff including Assistant Headteacher Mr Varsani and the students in his Year 11 class – all tackling with enthusiasm work facilitated through the online learning platform Mathswatch with its highly visual tracking and monitoring display which enables outstanding personalisation and support from the teacher. Head of Music and Coordinator across the Trust Miss Brown also spoke about the great work in her department. Our enthusiastic STEM Leaders enjoyed demonstrating their expertise with industry standard equipment in technology which they used to support their amazing achievements in the F1 in Schools competition last year. Sixth form students were also happy to share their superb work completed in graphics.

The visit ended with a quick tour of our amazing art department and gallery and a lovely impromptu photo opportunity with Oliver in Year 10 who definitely has the ‘best smile in the house’, off to one of his favourite lessons – Arts Award.

Just before he left the school Mr Clair met the outstanding leadership team at Bushey Meads – Deputy Headteacher Mrs Ash, Senior Assistant Headteacher Mr Searle and Assistant Headteacher Mr Varsani who explained their important roles in our great school; it was so nice to show Mr Clair around Bushey Meads School and we look forward to continuing the very positive links that are being made with Falconers School and his leadership team and all the staff and students in his care.

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