Student Parliament and Student Voice Having Impact…

Student Parliament and Student Voice Having Impact…

Suresh Varsani
Suresh Varsani
Student Parliament and Student Voice Having...

On Wednesday 19th May, Student Parliament reconvened again for the fourth time this academic year.  The agenda for this meeting is shown below:

All of the reps were really pleased to hear about the actions and impact from the last meeting in which end of year exams were discussed.  The Year 7,8 and 9 reps were excited to be having the opportunity to experience exams like GCSE and A Level students – in our sportshall with exam desks and chairs laid out like the ‘real thing’!  This year, we have been lucky enough to schedule the Year 7,8 and 9 exams in this way as exams for our Year 11 and 13 students were cancelled.
Following on from this, student voice shaping the future of the school was further realised as our reps heard about a selection of the actions the school is taking in response to the suggestions made from the ‘Growth’ Theme of the Week CDC activity from the start of this half term.  Our reps will be feeding back to their CD groups the information shared, but here is a little summary:

You Said…

We did…

Remove the one way system

In line with restrictions easing, the one way system was removed on May 17th

Please can we have more timely information about what to revise for the end of year exams

Revision guidance sheets containing information and hyperlinks from all subjects was shared giving students between 3 and 5 weeks to prepare

Year 12 and 13 allowed to go home during study periods to resolve current overcrowding issues

Free rooms study period alternative timetable created

Blinds in the Sixth Form silent study room

We’re getting quotes and these will be put in

Water fountain for Year 13

We’re looking at how to make this happen

More outdoor seating areas

Some has already gone in and more is coming

Obstacle course at the back of the astro turf

An outdoor gym will be in place soon

Make people more aware of religious events

This has been fed in to the assembly rota for 2021-2022

Improve the astro turf

New net with weighting will be fitted.  Upper netting will be secured and fixed

L block toilets need updating

These will be the next set of toilets to be refurbished (coast is around £40,000)

Toilet doors being kept open is not right

This has to remain as part of the covid safety protocols

Dance floor needs regular cleaning

This is being actioned by adding it to the cleaning schedule

Better recycling methods

The Eco Leaders are taking this on under the leadership of Ms Dunsby.  Proposals will soon come to SLT

Two new topics of discussion followed after this:
1) Taking BMS safety to the next level
2) Epic Enrichment Days
Reps from all year groups made excellent contributions and several of the ideas and suggestions will now be taken to the Senior Leadership Team for further consideration and actions where possible.  Watch out for feedback after the next Student Parliament meeting!
During the final stages of the meeting, we were privileged to have Will Smith, CEO of the Greenshaw Learning Trust, founder of By Leaders for Leaders and ex Leader of Partners in Excellence (PiXL), talk to our students and inspire them with some leadership advice and gems.  Will spoke very highly of our students and they can all be very proud of the positive contributions they are making to shape the future of the school.
Well done to all involved in Student Parliament!

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