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National Read a Book Day

National Read a Book Day

Anthony Carter
Anthony Carter
National Read a Book Day

81% of us don’t feel that we spend enough time as we would like reading. To celebrate National Read a Book Day on Monday 6th September, classrooms around Bushey Meads School fell silent for 10 minutes of silent reading to start lessons.

Evidence suggests that reading for pleasure has a positive impact on attainment. Benefits of children reading include: increasing breadth of vocabulary, increasing text comprehension and grammar, developing positive reading attitudes, better general knowledge, a better understanding of other cultures and a greater insight into human nature and decision-making. This is why reading takes such a central role at Bushey Meads School, with regular Drop Everything and Read events (DEAR) and dedicated library studies lessons.

Mrs Famili’s class enjoying silent reading before their English lesson.

Mr Carter’s English class reading before an exciting lesson on Greek mythology.

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