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Amazing Character Development Sessions

Amazing Character Development Sessions

Jeremy Turner
Jeremy Turner
Amazing Character Development Sessions

It was a privilege to walk around the school on Tuesday morning this week and join a number of superb Character Development (CDC) Groups for their 20 minute session at the start of the new day. Topical news articles were being discussed in some of the Sixth Form sessions and advice and support being provided for their impending UCAS applications. Some students were making their way in an impeccable manner to an inspirational Year 7 Assembly led by Deputy Headteacher Mr Searle on the Theme of the Week ‘The Environment’ and other students were completing one of the many important tasks set for this important morning session with their Character Development Coaches.

I was delighted to see Aman in 10 Elm lead the Word of the Week Activity with such confidence and see how his Character Development Coach Mr Carter has clearly used the activity to develop students’ skills of presenting to an audience, facilitating discussion and skills of teaching on top of developing a rich language for all.

It was an impressive start to the day.

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