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Dance Department Awards: Autumn 1

Dance Department Awards: Autumn 1

Eliz Noyan
Eliz Noyan
Dance Department Awards: Autumn 1
The Dance Department’s Student Awards were created to award students from all years and key stages for their commitments, efforts, improvements and successes at the end of every half term. The winners are rewarded with an R4, postcard home and placed on the Dance Student Award display board which is located in the Dance office.

The Autumn term 1 winners are….
‘Best Work Award’ goes to Lucas Douglas-Grant for his hard work when completing choreography work at home. He filmed himself performing his choreography which he then taught to his peers in lesson.
‘Most Improved Dancer‘ awards have been awarded to:

  • Archie Shinkwin (7M)
  • Theo Eiliazadeh (8A)
  • Darcie Armitage (9O)
‘Outstanding Dancer’ awards are presented to one student from each key stage. Congratulations to the following students:

  • Millie Andronicou (8O)    – Key Stage 3
  • Sophie Mulling (10E) – Key Stage 4
  • Amber Verrinder (10S) – Key Stage 5
Well done to all the award winners. Keep up the brilliant work!

Want to win a Dance Department Award?
The Dance ‘Are You Up For The Challenge?’ tasks are on display in the hall to help challenge and further develop your progress. Choose either a dance style or choreographer from the pockets and complete the tasks set.

Handing in an ‘Are You Up For The Challenge?’ task, becoming a leader in your group, taking part in extracurricular activities are just some of the ways you could be in line to win one of the Dance Department’s Student Awards!
Have a lovely half term!

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