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Pride Month Recommended Read: Heartstopper
Heartstopper is a young adult graphic novel series written by writer and illustrator, Alice Oseman. The series follows Charlie, an openly gay student at the fictional Truham...

Learning Disability Football
On Wednesday 15th June a group of students from Learning Support attended a football match against Heathlands School in St.Albans. The match is part of a league for schools with...

Carnegie Shadowing 2022
The Yoto Carnegie Medal is awarded annually by children’s librarians for an outstanding book written in English for children and young people. Every spring, reading groups in...

Year 9 trip to the Imperial War Museum – London
Year 9 went to the Imperial war Museum on the 6th of May. We divided into two groups and each took turns going to the World War Two expedition and the Holocaust expedition. In the...

Taking Cyber Security Seriously
Last Friday Mr Booth Head of Willow House and Senior IT Technician led our important Friday Faculty Focus which centred around Cyber Security. I am sure all of us have experienced...

Word of the week: Ramification

Charles Dickens Novel of the Month – Oliver Twist
Oliver Twist, or The Parish Boy’s Progress was Charles Dickens’ second novel, following The Pickwick Papers, and was published as a serial in the magazine...

Running the extra mile
It is pleasing to have students who are willing to do more than just the standard set tasks that are given in lessons. There are two Yr11 students Joshua Riley and Jack Thorn, who...

Students Donate Books to Primary Schools
Back in March, for the World Book Day competition, some of our amazing students baked book-themed cakes and held a bake-sale so others could enjoy their creations. The proceeds of...