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Time to Sh9ne launch

Time to Sh9ne launch

Lauren Wright
Lauren Wright
Time to Sh9ne launch

On Monday evening 40 year 11 students were invited to the Time to Sh9ne programme launch.  Parents and students assembled in the sixth form centre where they were able to access presentation from Mrs Wright (Associate Leader) and Mr O’Kelly (Head of Sixth Form).  The presentations were informative, practical and also involved some highly competitive parent v’s student games.  These were devised to get students thinking about improving their long-term memory skills and revision processes.  This will hopefully aid their attainment in the summer exams.

Mr O’Kelly introduced the magnificent UNIFROG website which is a useful tool for considering post 16 courses and Higher Education establishments.  He also spoke about some smashing online resources that will support home learning.
Thank you to Mr O’Brien for popping in to the session.  He will be delivering the ‘Sparkle in Science’ session to the Time to Sh9ne group on Wednesday 12th Feb over breakfast in the sixth form centre.  The rest of the programme is outlined below.

Monday 20th January 18:00 – 19:00pm

Time to Sh9ne launch, outline of the programme, how students learn, how can parents help support  – for parents and students

Wednesday 22nd January

8:30 – 9:00am

It’s written in the stars…..or is it?  Who’s in charge of your level 9?

Wednesday 29th January

8:30 – 9:00am

Shine in Maths

Friday 31st January


Trip to Oxford University -Balliol College  (20 students)

Wednesday 5th Feb

8:30 – 9:00am

Shooting stars!  Is Oxbridge good enough for YOU?

Wednesday 12th Feb

8:30 – 9:00am

Sparkle in Science

Wednesday 11th March

8:30 – 9:00am

Shimmer in English

 Wednesday 18th March

8:30 – 9:00am

Starry sky – Relaxation and stress relief techniques

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