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Anti-Bullying Update

Anti-Bullying Update

Helen Mateides
Helen Mateides
Anti-Bullying Update
Erase Bullying Campaign
I hope you all had a good rest over half-term.
The week before we broke up the Anti-Bullying Ambassadors launched the ‘Erase Bullying Campaign’.
The objective was to raise the profile of the Anti-Bullying Ambassadors and to raise money for charity by selling cakes/sweets. Every student who contributed to the sale also walked away with a free ‘no bullying eraser’.
They raised £57.00 from the sale, so well done!
And Remember:
“Courage is fire
Bullying is smoke”
Anti-Bullying Arts Competition Winners

Congratulations to:

Tulsi 9M and Maisie 9O, for winning the Anti-Bullying Arts Competition

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